Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bed Rest: Day 5

Well....still in bed.

I'm so over television...something I never thought I would say. There's just nothing good to watch during the day and by the time my shows come on at night I'm over it.

I started reading a book....again, not normal for me but I'm getting desperate.

Yesterday my husband asked me what was on my agenda for the day. He said "So, do you have a big cross-word puzzle to solve at noon?" Smart ass.

My friends have been very sweet. They've brought me meals and treats. They've all offered to go get me anything I need. In case I'm stuck here longer I'm waiting to take them up on those offers. It could get ugly if I cash those in too early and end up having an extended stay in bed. I can't solely count on my husband for help....he just doesn't get it.

My poor dogs don't understand why I'm not getting up and playing with them. My husband decided that they are officially on bed rest now too because all they do is lay around in the bedroom with me. Now I'm promoting doggie laziness and obesity. Great.

I think I'm gonna take a shower today so that's pretty exciting. This and going to the bathroom are the two things I'm allowed to do. Also exciting. Having a functioning bowel is quite the accomplishment these days.

Well, I'm afraid that's as good as it gets for now. If I do anything crazy like tackle that cross-word puzzle I'll make sure and let you know!


  1. At least you're blogging more. I like that. I'm so sorry you are stuck in bed and bored to death. You are right about daytime television. Rent some movies through video on demand. What are you reading? Do you need some new books?

  2. I'm so sorry! I would go crazy on bed rest too! I hate daytime TV. Of course, now I just watch Yo Gabba Gabba or Blue's Clues. But, if Max is taking his nap, I watch something I have on the DVR. I hope you are enjoying your book. What are you reading? We love you!! Make Jason cook you a steak!!! (And I second the bowel movement thing...pregnancy sucks for those...)

  3. Jill!! I didn't even know that you were pregnant! Congratulations!! Levi and I can come visit you if you think that would help instead of by an inconvenience. I am home with him so have lots of free time. :) I would love to see you!!
