Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Faithful Followers

I've had a few friends tell me I need to write more because they enjoy reading my blog. You have no idea how much I appreciate this. Unfortunately, I seem to be suffering from some sort of writer's block. Every since March 21st (closing day) I haven't had much to say. I thought all kinds of emotions would be flowing out of me onto my blog but the exact opposite has happened. I'm a bit numb. For this, I apologize.

This too shall pass.....

Wassily Kandinsky


  1. I really love reading your blog, but I definitely understand writer's block. Don't worry, the words will come eventually. Till then, try to write about simple, silly things. It will help lead you to the important things. Love you, Sweetie.

  2. Mom is right. Write about anything. Anything at all. I struggle with that too, though. Not wanting to say anything if I don't have anything meaningful to say. But, oh well. Lose control! Love you!
