Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not Ready Yet

I have quite a few things to say and a lot on my mind but I'm not ready yet.

I'm going through a lot right now and should probably talk about my recent decision but I'm not ready yet.

I need to find someone to blame but also face reality and take responsibility for my decisions, but I'm not ready yet.

Change is upon me and my "everyday" will be altered. For this, I have no choice but to be ready.
Wassily Kandinsky

Monday, March 2, 2009

What This Woman Needs

I don't know about the rest of you ladies out there, but here's my heiracrchy of needs:

1. To be reminded that I'm worth it every once in a while.

2. A good glass of wine with good friends.

3. To hear the good news before I hear the bad news. Or for there to just be no bad news.

4. To know I will eventually get back matter how long it takes.

5. To laugh so hard I cry.

6. To cry so hard I feel liberated.

7. To know that my decisions will be a good life lesson when they don't produce a good outcome.

8. A sexy pair of heels.

9. For my loved ones to be proud of my success and forgiving of my shortcomings.

10. Jason.

~not necessarily in this order~

So much for Maslow's little theory!

Ignorant People

I just don't understand why people feel the need to be rude. It's been exactly a week now since "the incident" that frustrated me and I've let it fester for too long. My sister suggested I get it out on my blog and maybe that will help me to release the anger created by STUPID people so I suppose I'll share.

I decided to close my store the Saturday before last because I had plans and I couldn't get anyone to cover for me. Keep in mind this is the first time I've EVER closed for selfish reasons and it will probably be the last but I felt I deserved it considering the distress my job has created for me lately. Also considering I haven't had a real vacation in years. I put up a note on the door stating I would be closed that day but would resume regular business hours the next day, etc. When I returned to work on Monday there was a post-it note on the door that so eloquently said, "you suck, you're lazy, why don't you just close for good."

Now, I don't know what this person's intention was but no matter what they were going for this is just plain insulting. When I first saw it my jaw dropped and I just stood there in utter disbelief. The thoughts that raced through my head started with "did my friends do this as a joke?" Of course this was a ridiculous idea so I quickly moved on to "would a customer really lash out like this". Then I thought about my customers and how they tend to be very nice and classy women not to mention most are repeat, loyal customers and friends. Next, I went on to "is this personal? Could it be someone I know that is trying to upset me?" Possibly but I don't think I've done anything to cause this kind of hostility. I finally landed on "it was probably just some punk kid that thought it was funny." I'm sticking with this one because it makes me feel better.

What ever happened to the good ole' saying "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all." Or has this been lost on our fast paced, couldn't care less, me first society? I know I shouldn't peg all of society for this outrage but it sure does seem that people have stopped thinking about their actions and the effect they may have on others. I mean do we really need to bring others down in order to lift ourselves up? All I have to say to those who were boorish enough to pull this stunt is....karma's a bitch.

Ok...I'm over it.

Wassily Kandinsky